Grant Pound and Friends from Colorado Art Ranch, a nomadic arts organization founded on the belief that the arts are an agent for change, visit the Arkansas River in Salida, Colorado.
On September 28th a group met in Salida, Colorado to begin the planning for an Artposium called WADE IN THE WATER. An Artposium is comprised of presentations, workshops, discussions and sharing. We explore the intersection of art, science and land/human issues. This particular Artposium is about water. WADE IN THE WATER will immerse us in the liquid that surrounds and permeates us, yet is in short supply. The Artposium will address how scientists and artists perceive the nature of water and confront the factors that threaten this most critical resource. To celebrate the beginning of this event we chose to join in the World Rivers project. Eight of us took a piece of white cloth down to the Arkansas River and dipped it in the water. Grand Pound